Civil Engineering

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About the Department

Civil Engineering Department with an intake of 60 is known as ‘Royal Civil’. One of the oldest branch of Engineering and Nation Builder, is a specific sought to branch of engineering. The department established “Civil Engineering Association” (CEA) in the year 2012, where the students are encouraged to develop their communication skills and presentation skills. The department is constantly encouraging the students to register NPTEL courses and value added courses like Auto CAD, STAAD, etc. The students are members of ISTE and ACCE. The Students are taken frequently for industrial visits and field trips. At CMRTC, we strive to build Civil Engineers who think of sustainable building materials, global warming and to produce durable structures to create the wealth to the society. The department has been active in taking up consultancy projects also. The department offers M. Tech in Structural Engineering with an intake of 24.

Few Achievements of the department are:

  • Certificate Programs on Auto-CAD and STAAD-Pro are offered by the department under the Value added course using Advanced training Lab.
  • More than 30 guest lecturers were conducted by industrial experts from Ultra Tech, JSW Cements, NAC, Bentley, etc.
  • Students gone through the internship programs around 54 organizations.
  • Students of the department got admission in MS in the universities like, UCDAVIS-CALIFORNIA, INSEC-FRANCE, USQ – SOUTHERN QUEENS LAND)
  • Students are placed in reputed organizations like MEIL, Tech Mahindra and many other civil engineering organisations.
  • 35 students represented for KHO KHO, 10 for football, 04 hand ball, 12 for Cricket, 02 soft ball in University games.
  • Received Annual awards for best performance in Concrete Technology subject, offered by Ultra tech and JSW cements ltd.,
  • Department had MoU with ARK Info solutions Pvt Ltd Hyd. and Reliable Environmental Solution.
  • As a part of industrial visits, Civil Engineering Department conducts 3 to 5 days’ tour in every year.
  • Department has conducted two National and one International conference till date.
  • Faculty published more than 100 papers in reputed journal.

Save trees – Save Environment,

Save Rocks – Save Hills,

Save River sand – Save groundwater,

Save Nature – Save Future.


To evolve as a center of academic excellence and research in Civil Engineering and allied fields


To train the students with a profound understanding of the fundamentals related to the discipline and their application in solving real-life problems To promote research and consultancy activities and contribute to the sustainable development of the society. To inculcate self-learning abilities, team spirit, and professional ethics among the students to serve society.

Program Educational Objectives (PEO):

The Graduates of Programme will

 S.NO.  Program Educational Objectives (PEO)
PEO1 Excel in their professional career and higher education in Civil Engineering and allied fields
PEO2 Contribute for the design and development of Civil Engineering Systems that are technically sound, economically feasible and socially acceptable
PEO3 Demonstrate self learning skills, team spirit and professional ethics for beneficial development of the society
Program Outcomes (PO):
S.NO.  Program Out Comes (PO):
P01 An ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering for solving complex engineering problems.
P02 An ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data to reach substantiated conclusions.
PO3 An ability to design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs within realistic constraints such as economic, environmental, social, political, ethical, health and safety, manufacturability, and sustainability.
PO4 An ability to use research-based knowledge and research methods including design of experiments to provide valid conclusions.
PO5 An ability to learn and apply appropriate modern tools for engineering solutions.
PO6 An ability to assess societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities and follow them in professional practice.
PO7 An ability to understand the impact of the professional practices on the environment, society and its sustainable development.
PO8 An ability to understand professional and ethical responsibilities.
PO9 An ability to function an individual and in multidisciplinary teams.
PO10 An ability to communicate effectively.
PO11 An ability to understand engineering and management principles and apply them to one’s own work, as a member and leader in a team, to manage projects.
PO12 An ability to engage in lifelong learning.
Program Specific Outcomes (PSO):
 S.NO.  Program Specific Outcomes (PSO)
PSO1 To strengthen the fundamentals and induce practical approach in the thrust areas of Civil Engineering.
PSO2 Ability to plan, design, develop detailed drawings, reports and execute all kinds of Civil Engineering works.
PSO3 To motivate for continuous self learning in engineering practice or pursue research in the advanced areas of Civil Engineering.
Department Advisory Committee (DAC)
S.No Name Designation Position Email
1 Prof.S.Vijaya Bhaskar Reddy Professor HOD
2 Dr.TL.Ramadasu Professor Member
3 Dr.CH.Srinivas Rao Professor Member
4 Dr.S.Sivasankar Associate Professor Member
5 Mrs.P.Soumya Kiran Assistant Professor Member
Program Assessment Committee (PAC)
S.No Name Designation Position Email
1 Prof.S.Vijaya Bhaskar Reddy Professor HOD
2 Dr.TL.Ramadasu Professor Member
3 Dr.CH.Srinivas Rao Professor Member
4 Dr.VM.Sounthararajan Professor Member
5 Mrs.P.Soumya Kiran Assistant Professor Member