Mechanical Engineering

About the Department

Department of Mechanical Engineering of CMRTC is privileged to be called as “Mighty Mech” and is one of the oldest and evergreen branch of engineering. This branch of engineering has paved path for many newer branches of Engineering like Production Engineering, Automotive Engineering, Mechatronics, Nanotechnology, Material Science and Metallurgy, Marine Engineering, Aeronautical Engineering, Robotics and many more. It is the most diversified branch of all the Engineering Disciplines. At CMRTC, the Mech students’ role out to be the most vibrant and active flocks in the campus. The strength of the department clearly stands out to be its activities and its faculty. The Department offers M. Tech in Thermal Engineering with an intake of 18.


Latest News

Few Achievements of the Department are:

  • The Department has organized two International Conference, ICALMS 2k20 during March 6, 7 2020 in association with Elsevier and Springer and financially supported by DST-SERB and iCAMS-2k16 during December 2016.
  • 18 Patents are filed by the faculty and students of the department.
  • Over 200 Research Publications in various International/ National Journals and Conferences.
  • The Department has organized Faculty Development Programs and short term training programs in various emerging areas like composites, Additive Manufacturing etc.
  • The students from the Department of Mechanical Engineering got placed in various companies such as Reliance, Hyundai, TCS, Quest Global, Amazon, Genpact, and BYJUS.
  • Department of Mechanical Engineering has received the Project titled “Development of Bio-Degradable Prosthetic Limbs Using 3d-Printing for Moment Disability People” from the Department of Science and Technology, Government of India under the TIDE scheme and other research and consultancy work to the tune of One crore are in progress.
  • Various research facilities are available in the area of Composites and 3D printing.
  • MOU with more than 20 industries for internship and Research collaborations.
  • Department of mechanical engineering research centre for Additive Manufacturing and Product Design has received “3d Printing World Award 2018 College of the Year” Education by Trinity media and marketing solutions.
  • Students have participated in various competitions like Pro-Go carting Championship, SAE INDIA virtual BAJA Competition, Chattra Vishwa Karma Awards and many more.
  • Financial Support by DST, Govt. of India under NSTMIS Scheme.


  • To offer quality education in the area of mechanical engineering and allied fields and to become a centre of excellence through research and consultancy services for the sustainable development of the society


  • To educate and empower the graduates with comprehensive knowledge in the area of mechanical engineering
  • To promote innovations through research and consultancy.
  • To inculcate self learning abilities, team spirit and professional ethics among the students to serve the society

Program Educational Objectives (PEO):
The Graduates of Programme will

S.NO. Program Educational Objectives (PEO)
PEO1 Excel in their professional career and higher education in Mechanical Engineering and related fields.
PEO2 Analyze real-life problems and design mechanical systems that are technically sound, economically feasible and socially acceptable
PEO3 Demonstrate self-learning skills, team spirit, and professional ethics for beneficial development of the society.
Program Outcomes (PO):
S.NO Program Outcomes (PO)
P01 An ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering fundamentals and a mechanical engineering specialization for the solution of complex engineering problems
P02 An ability to identify, formulate, research literature, analyze complex problems in mechanical engineering using first principles of mathematics, natural sciences and engineering sciences.
PO3 An ability to design Mechanical engineering components or processes that meet the specified needs considering safety and environment
PO4 An ability to use research-based knowledge and research methods for the design of experiments,  analysis and interpretation of  data and synthesis of the information to obtain solutions to Mechanical engineering problems
PO5 Ability to create, select and apply appropriate techniques, resources and modern engineering activities, with an understanding of the limitations
PO6 Ability to apply to reason informed by the contextual knowledge to assess societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to the professional engineering practice
PO7 Ability to demonstrate the knowledge of engineering solutions, contemporary issues understanding their impacts on societal and environmental contexts, leading towards sustainable development
PO8 An ability to apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and norms of engineering practice
PO9 An ability to function effectively as an individual, and as a member or leader in diverse teams and in multi-disciplinary settings
PO10 Ability to communicate effectively oral, written reports and graphical forms on complex engineering activities
PO11 Ability to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the engineering and management principles and apply for those one’s own work, as a member and leader in a team, to manage projects and in multidisciplinary environments
PO12 An ability to recognize the need for and having the preparation and ability to engage independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of technological change
Program Specific Outcomes (PSO):
S.NO. Program Specific Outcomes (PSO)
PSO1 Capability to establish a career in Mechanical and interdisciplinary areas.
PSO2 Ability to apply and interpret the acquired Mechanical Engineering knowledge for advancement in social, economical and environmental fields
PSO3 Ability to work in a team and shoulder the responsibility.
Department Advisory Committee (DAC):
S.No.           Name                Designation      Position E-Mail
1 Dr. A. Raji Reddy Director & Professor in ME, CMRTC Chairman
2 Dr. D. Maneiah Professor & HOD                Dept of ME, CMRTC Member Secretary
3 Dr. B. Sudheer Prem Kumar Professor, JNTUH Member, Reputed Institute
4 Mr. Gopala Krishna CEO, Global 3D Labs Member, Industry
5 Mr. V. K. Pawan Docon Technologies, Pvt. Ltd. Member, Alumni
6 Dr. M. Ahmed Ali Baig Professor & Dean,                Dept of ME, CMRTC Member, Faculty
7 Mr. L. Mangesh Associate Professor,          Dept of ME, CMRTC Member, Faculty
8 Mr. J. Durga Prasad Reddy Associate Professor,          Dept of ME, CMRTC Member, Faculty
9 Mr. M. Gowthamuneswara Rao Assistant Professor,           Dept of ME, CMRTC Member, Faculty
Program Assessment Committee(PAC):
S.No Name Designation Position e-mail
1 Prof. D. Maneiah Professor & HOD      Dept of ME, CMRTC Programme Coordinator
2 Dr. M. Ahmed Ali Baig Professor & Dean        Dept of ME, CMRTC Module Coordinator
3 Dr. M. Shunmugasundaram Professor,                 Dept of ME, CMRTC Module Coordinator
4 Mr. L Mangesh Associate Professor, Dept of ME, CMRTC Module Coordinator
5 Mr. M. Gowthamuneswara Rao Assistant Professor,  Dept of ME, CMRTC Module Coordinator
6 Mr. CH. Bharath Assistant Professor,  Dept of ME, CMRTC Module Coordinator
7 Mrs.K. Yamini Reddy Assistant Professor,  Dept of ME, CMRTC Module Coordinator
8 Mr. Ch.Nagaraj Assistant Professor,  Dept of ME, CMRTC Course Coordinator
9 Mr. M Balu Assistant Professor,  Dept of ME, CMRTC Course Coordinator