The Department was established in the year 2010, with an intake of 60 in B.Tech Mechanical Engineering. It has the Sophisticated and state of the art infrastructural facilities required for imparting high quality education. There are 15 laboratories including project laboratory and R&D laboratory. An exclusive collection of text books is made available in the department library to cater to the needs of faculty and students. The department is accredited by NBA up to 2022. The department implements and adheres to the quality initiatives as per NAAC and ISO standards.

The department is comprised of well qualified and experienced faculty members. A total of 47 faculty members are serving the department which includes five doctorate holders. The faculty members are encouraged to attend self development programs in order to keep them abreast of the emerging technological advancements and thereafter transfer the knowledge to the students. Many other faculty members are pursuing their doctoral degrees.

The department of Mechanical Engineering implements innovative teaching and learning methods. All the class rooms are converted in to smart learning centers by equipping them with LCD projector, computer with internet and LAN connectivity. Events like Seminars, Workshops, and Faculty Development Programs are frequently conducted in the department to keep faculty and students updated with latest developments in various technologies.


There are student technology clubs namely Society of Automotive Engineers, Robotics club and Design and Manufacturing club. Students design, analyze and fabricate working models, participate in National level competitions like BAJA, E-Bike Challenge, Go-Kart etc. Students are made to become members of SAE, ISTE and ASHRAE professional societies. Professional society activities are frequently organized by involving both students and faculty members. A strong industry institute interaction is in place to update the students and faculty with latest industrial practices. The students are sent for at least one month internship/mini-project during their 3rd year program. Summer trainings are arranged by industry experts for students. Faculty members are encouraged and motivated to undertake Research & Development and consultancy activities. The students are involved in the above activities through major, mini and hobby projects.

Graduate Courses (B.Tech)

Department Information​


Department Overview